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What is SIG DIS?

CIM for SIG DIS, previously known as CCEIS, is the Compliance and Improvement Monitoring for Significant Disproportionality which refers to a process used by local educational agencies (LEAs) identified as having a significantly disproportionate number of students from a specific racial or ethnic group placed in special education, requiring them to undergo a monitoring process to address and improve the issue; essentially, it's a system to track and correct overrepresentation of certain demographics in special education programs.




The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) requires states and local education agencies (LEAs) to take steps to address disproportionality. Disproportionality refers to the “overrepresentation” of a particular racial or ethnic group in one of four areas:

  • special education in general;
  • special education within a specific disability category;
  • disciplinary action; or
  • more restrictive environments.

Annually, LEAs with disproportionate student outcomes for three sequential years for the same racial or ethnic group in the same element or indicator are identified as Significantly Disproportionate by the CDE.
Under IDEA, LEAs with Significant Disproportionality are required to identify and address contributing factors to disproportionality as part of their comprehensive coordinated early intervening services (CCEIS). These systems change efforts require collaborative work between general education and special education.

Significant Disproportionality is the identification of disproportionality for three consecutive years in the same indicator and category of disproportionality. 


In NMCUSD, White students are disproportionately identified for special education under Other Health Impairment. Our current 2023 Plan and relevant documents for the development of the 2024 plan are found below:

Educational Partners

Join us on the process to help reduce disproportionality. 
Únise con nostros para ayudar reducir la desproporcionalidad.

If you are interested in participating in the development for our SIG DIS Plan please fill out the form below.
Si está interesado de participar en el desarrollo de nuestro Plan de SIG DIS, por favor de llenar el formulario abajo: