Mental Health Services
NMCUSD offers School-Based Mental Health Services at each of our school sites. Our school-based mental health services are provided through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) in order to include the different levels of needs. We do this by promoting mental wellness through Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for all students, identifying and addressing problems before they become chronic, and providing increasingly intensive data-driven services for individual students as needed.
Multi-Tiered System of Support
Tier 3 (also knowns as "intensive" or "individual" supports): Students with high needs access intensive school interventions and/or have an outside mental health provider.
Tier 2 (also known as "targeted" supports): Students with moderate needs receive small group interventions and/or brief individual counseling or therapy.
Tier 1 (also known as "universal" supports): All students receive mental wellness education through SEL curriculum, and universal screenings and parents receive education through district level workshops or from sites.
Our Services
The overall goal of school-based services is to have our students participating in their classroom learning and experiencing academic success. The services are intended to be short-term (about 3-4 months) and focused specifically on the student's individual needs. While we are goal-oriented, we also have the flexibility to support longer, specifically when students are in need of specialized treatment. We are then able to provide guidance to parents to access other services both within and outside of the district.
If you have concerns about your student please reach out to the staff at your school site such as the teacher, Asst. Principal, or Academic Counselor.