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LCAP 20-21

Below you can find the final Local Control and Accountability Plan documents for the 2020-2021 school year.


Due to COVID-19, public schools receiving state and federal one-time funding must complete a plan that builds upon the prior 2019-2020 school year district and school improvement plans (Local Control and Accountability Plan) and also outline specific areas within the new plan template as it pertains to:

  • In-Person and Distance Learning
  • Pupil Learning Loss and Mitigation
  • Social Emotional and Mental Health
  • Essential Services (Meals, Child Care, Social Distancing, Health and Safety)

The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan outlines how the district and schools will plan and respond to the needs of students during the 2020-2021 school year. Review the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan here[Plan de Continuidad de Aprendizaje y Asistencia (2020-21)] Stakeholder Engagement is required for the development of the LCAP. There is an LCAP Advisory Committee that has representation from students, parents, teachers, classified staff and administrators. In addition, the LCAP is reviewed with the District's English Language Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) and the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). Due to the brief timeline allowed for the new LCAP process due to COVID-19, the LCAP and PAC are meeting jointly on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. Please review the agenda here.    Overview Presentation Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (September 24, 2020) Plan de Continuidad de Aprendizaje y Asistencia (24 Septiembre 2020) The DELAC is meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2020 and you can view the agenda for the DELAC meeting here.

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCAP) for 2020-2021

Summary Infographic 2020-21

Resumen Grafico 2020-21

Comprehensive Infographic 2020-21

Documento Grafico Informativo 2020-21